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RAMP UP SubscriptionCentralized PC Membership
RAMP UP Online Course
Weekly Group Coaching for Agents
Accountability Partner
DISC+ for Enrolled Agents
CAMPUS Community
RAMP UP Radio Podcast
Week-over-Week Effort Tracking
Program Gamification
Daily Motivational Text
Weekly Scripts & Role Play
Weekly Marketing & LeadGen Masterclass
1-1 Meetings with Coach*

*Agent must earn enough CAMPUS Coin to redeem for private coaching sessions.


RAMP UP SubscriptionCentralized PC Membership
Progress Reports
Compare Agent Progress Report
Overall Program Tracking
Course Progress Visibility
Certified RAMP UP Coach Training
RAMP UP Coaches WorkbookAvailable for Purchase
Private Onboarding and Orientation
Communication / Messaging via App
Masters of Mindset Design Program
Launches Q1 2025
Coaches' Mastermind


RAMP UP SubscriptionCentralized PC Membership
Recruiting / Marketing Material
Step-by-Step Roll-Out Plan
Post to CAMPUS Calendar
QR Code Attendance Management Tool
Private CAMPUS Group
"Happy Capper" CapsAvailable for Purchase
Cost StructureFlat FeeFlat Fee + per Transaction Fee

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Centralized PC program?

The Centralized PC program is a comprehensive coaching solution where The Agent School manages the productivity coaching for market centers. It combines centralized curriculum and coaching with local mentors to guide new agents through their first three transactions, helping them become productive faster.

The program ensures consistent and standardized coaching across your market center. By outsourcing the systems and content creation to us, your local coaches can focus on their strengths—being real estate professionals passionate about helping agents.

No. Existing coaches remain integral to the program as mentors and members of the Master Faculty. They will continue supporting agents on a local level while the centralized aspect provides structured content, standardized systems, and support.

Centralized PC complements programs like Ignite by providing structure and support for standardized best business practices, marketing strategies, accountability, mindset development, and more, all of which can be leveraged across market centers. 

We think of Ignite as a local market program where your experienced agents—the Master Faculty—share what works specifically in your market. While RAMP UP and Centralized PC focuses on these broader business practices. What can’t be scaled and leveraged in the same way is the local institutional knowledge like contracts, regulations, and relationships. 

This is where Ignite and your local expertise shine, filling in the gaps that Centralized PC cannot. While Centralized PC offers you leverage around those areas that can be scaled.

Yes, the Centralized PC program is flexible and scalable. While the core curriculum is standardized to ensure consistency, we work closely with each market center to integrate local mentors and customize certain aspects of the program to meet your specific needs.

Implementation is swift, typically taking 2-4 weeks, depending on your market center’s size and needs. During this period, we’ll onboard your leadership, coaches, and mentors, as well as provide training on the technology and curriculum.

While Centralized PC is primarily focused on new agents, experienced agents looking for a productivity boost or additional accountability can also benefit from the group coaching sessions and mentorship opportunities.

The Centralized PC program is ideal for market centers looking to streamline and scale their productivity coaching efforts while maintaining high standards. If you want consistent coaching, faster onboarding, and stronger agent retention, this program can be a great fit.

Get all your questions answered by scheduling a Launch Strategy Session with a member of our team.

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